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Part 1 - Introduction to Performance-Based Liquefaction Hazard Analysis Project and Short Course
Part 6 - Introduction to Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering and Liquefaction
Part 7 - Simplified Performance-Based Liquefaction Hazard Analysis with the CPT
liquefaction analysis tutorial
Part 8 - Introduction to CPTLiq: A PBEE Tool for the CPT
Liquefaction Analysis
2018 H. Bolton Seed Lecture: Steve Kramer: Performance-Based Design for Soil Liquefaction
PIBC SCC Chapter Webinar: New Seismic Hazard Maps for the Lower Mainland (April 17, 2024)
Part 3 - Crash Course in Seismic Hazard Analysis
NGL Webinar (09) Brett Maurer, ‘AI’ Models for Predicting Soil Liquefaction
NextGenRoadFuels Final Event (Part 1)
2023 Kenji Ishihara Colloquium Session 1: Ground Motion Findings and Implications for Updates